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Studio RTR created several videos for SilverCross Prams as part of their 'British Collection' and 'Catwalk Campaigns'.  Our overall objective was to create video footage to inspire consumers to purchase the latest SilverCross collections and help showcase the company's values. 

The films had to be contemporary, work across several content platforms, celebrate quintessential Britishness, and most importantly, feature the excellency of SilverCross' latest products.

"We can completely reply on StudioRTR to capture and deliver everything we have in mind for a brief. They are always on hand to make sure everything comes back on brand, on time and on budget. Thank you team!"


For preproduction, Studio RTR scheduled several meetings with SilverCross to find out the overall objectives for the campaign. This was to primarily establish the wants and needs of each the videos so we could make the campaign as effective as possible.

In total we decided to create four videos for the 'Autograph Catwalk Collection'; these were edited with lots of close-up shots to highlight the quality of the products. Each of the four videos was also later made into short videos to demonstrate the components of each of the prams on the catwalk. As part of the 'Autograph Catwalk' campaign, we also wanted to create teaser videos that could be used for SilverCross' social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

For the 'British collection', StudioRTR chose to create another four videos, but this time with a focus on reflecting the values of the SilverCross brand within its narrative. Each of the videos featured a couple with their child taking part in different family outings with the common theme of Britishness. Our main focus for these videos was to highlight the quality of the SilverCross prams as well as create wholesome narratives to inspire and attract consumers. After having one final meeting to confirm the narrative of all six videos, we began to start preparing the production schedule.

In total, for production, StudioRTR did two days of filming for the 'Autograph Collection' and another two days of filming for the 'British Collection' to build the narrative of the campaign and collect B-roll.


Our main objectives during filming were to capture each of the SilverCross prams in action but also the ethos, the different unique elements of each of the prams and the wholesome family image. For the campaign, we crewed multiple camera operators with our EVAs to capture the prams from all angles. For the majority of the shoot, we used a Gimbal rig to create a more realistic and human feel to the footage. 

For post-production, the team remained in regular contact with the clients to maintain that the correct edit and keep SilverCross involved every step of the way. From all the footage gathered, we created 8+ short-form videos for their campaign. In addition to this, because of the high-quality cameras StudioRTR use, we also were able to capture stills from our footage to also be used for their social media and website.

Silver Cross Campaign

Silver Cross Campaign
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Silver Cross British Collection

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